Thursday, October 25, 2007


Petra Nemcova em 22/10
Petra Nemcova on 10/22th

Mischa com bolsa Louis Vuitton 'Rivets' e sapatilha Repetto Glitter, 06/10
Mischa wears a Louis Vuitton 'Rivets' bag and a Repetto Glitter 'BB' flats, 10/06th
Katie Holmes usando sweater listrado com legging em NYC em 19/10
Katie Holmes wearing a striped sweater and legging in NYC on 10/19th

Katherine Heigl num posto de gasolina em Los Angeles, 17/10. Ela usa botas Ugg e bolsa vermelha Valentino
Katherine Heigl at a gas station in Los Angeles, 10/17th. She wears Ugg boots and Valentino red bag

Katharine McPhee estava super linda quando apareceu saindo do Hotel Waldorf Astoria usando este top de Diane Von Furstenberg, 09/10
Katharine McPhee looked gorgeous when she was spotted leaving the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in this top by Diane Von Furstenberg, 10/09th

Kate Moss em 18/10. Ela usa vestido Kate Moss para Topshop
Kate Moss on 10/18th. She wears Kate Moss for Topshop dress

Kate Moss em 17/10
Kate Moss on 10/17th

Jessica Alba em 18/10. Ela usou vestido com botas de cowboy
Jessica Alba on 10/18th. She wore a dress and cowboy boots

Jenna Jameson na festa da TMobile, 16/10
Jenna Jameson at TMobile party, 10/16th

Helena Cristensen no Soho em NYC, 08/10. Ela usou sandálias rasteiras com tiras amarradas na perna
Helena Cristensen in Soho in NYC, 10/08th. She wore tie-up flat sandals

Hilary Duff saindo do Spa, 20/09. Pulseira Chanel
Hilary Duff leaving the Spa, 09/20th. Chanel bracelet

Hayden Panettiere saindo do restaurante Koi, 16/10. Ela usou uma camiseta que estava escrito: "This Girl's a Genius" da Local Celebrity
Hayden Panettiere leaving Koi restaurant, 10/16th. She wore a t-shirt that proclaimed “This Girl’s a Genius” by Local Celebrity. $25 at

Hayden Panettiere

Cheryl Tweedy usando agasalho Adidas
Cheryl Tweedy in an Adidas tracksuit


Uma Thurman filmando, 27/09. Bolsa Prada
UmaThurman filming, 09/27th. PradaBag

Zac Efron no Aroma Cafe, 17/10
Zac Efron at Aroma Cafe, 10/17th

Avril Lavigne com casaquinho roxo
Avril Lavigne wearing a purple hoodie

Christina Aguilera
Clique nas imagens para melhor visualização!!
Photo Credit:;;,

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