Monday, April 14, 2008


Keanu Reeves no aeroporto LAX em 09/04
Keanu Reeves at LAX airport on 04/09th

Kate Moss embarcando no aeroporto de Miami em 11/04
Kate Moss departing out of Miami airport on 04/11th

Kate Bosworth arrasando com o casaco roxo usado como vestido no embarque do aeroporto LAX em Los Angeles em 06/04th
Kate Bosworth rocks out a cute purple bubble dress as she catches a departing flight out of LAX airport in Los Angeles on 04/06th

Lauren Conrad usando sapatilhas MiuMiu, 19/01
Lauren Conrad wearing a MiuMiu flats, 01/19th

Rachel Bilson & Hayden Christensen embarcando no aeroporto LAX em 13/04
Rachel Bilson & Hayden Christensen jetting out of LAX on 04/13th

Rachel usa bota Veronica 'Frye' e bolsa de compras Lanvin 'Papillote'
Rachel wears a 'Frye' Veronica short boots and Lanvin 'Papillote' shopper bag

Vanessa Hudgens usando um cinto da Diesel e bolsa Balenciaga
Vanessa Hudgens wearing a Diesel belt and Balenciaga bag

Jessica Simpson no aeroporto JFK em 27/02. Bolsas: Louis Vuitton
Jessica Simpson at JFK airport on 02/27th. Bags: Louis Vuitton

Paris & Benji embarcando no aeroporto Heathrow em 11/04
Paris & Benji jetting out of Heathrow airport on 04/11th

Paris & Benji desembarcando no aeroporto de Munique, Alemanha, 26/03
Paris & Benji arriving at Munich airport, Germany, 03/26th

Fergie no aeroporto LAX em 20/03
Fergie at LAX airport on 03/20th

Ashley Tisdale no aeroporto LAX, 20/11
Ashley Tisdale at LAX airport, 11/20th

Bolsas: Louis Vuitton e Chanel
Bags: Louis Vuitton & Chanel

Clique nas imagens para melhor visualização!!
Photo Credit:;;;;;

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