Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Paris Hilton & Benji Madden. O casal esteve no The Beverly Hills Medical Center na Bedford Drive. Deixando o local, os apaixonados saíram de mãos dadas enquanto caminhavam para o carro, 17/03
Paris Hilton & Benji Madden. The couple paid a visit to The Beverly Hills Medical Center on Bedford Drive. Leaving the centre, the lovebirds held hands while walking to their car, 03/17th

Paris & Benji fazem um passeio nos bastidores do Coke Fest Johannesburg, África do Sul, em 21/03
Paris & Benji take a stroll backstage at Coke Fest Johannesburg, South Africa, on 03/21th

Paris sai para almoçar em Hollywood usando um vestido Post Vegas, 13/03
Paris out for lunch in Hollywood wearing a Post Vegas dress, 03/13th

Na inauguração da loja DCMA Collective em Los Angeles, 14/03
At opening of DCMA Collective flagship store in Los Angeles, 03/14th

Paris usando um cardigã de cashmere L.A.M.B.
Paris wearing a L.A.M.B. cashmere cardigan

Paris & Benji no restaurante Mastro's Steakhouse em Beverly Hills em 17/03
Paris & Benji at Mastro’s Steakhouse in Beverly Hills on 03/17th

Paris & Benji param para comer no Mulholland Grillon em Los Angeles em 12/03
Paris & Benji grab a bite at the Mulholland Grillon in Los Angeles on 03/12th

Paris & Benji saindo do Spa Ole Henriksen Face & Body Paris & Benji leaving the Ole Henriksen Face & Body Spa

no Spa Ole Henriksen Face & Body em 11/03
At Ole Henriksen Face & Body Spa on 03/11th

Paris usando vestido longo de estampa floral em 10/03
Paris in a floral print long dress on 03/10th

Clique nas imagens para melhor visualização!!
Photo Credit: gossipgirls.com; justjared.com; hotcelebshome.com; celebslam.com; parisstyle.org, fadedyouthblog.com

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